plastic, packing tape, sticks, tubing, pumps. 5 figures each approx. 36’ x 36’ x 10’ 2020
A small group of animal forms built from scavenged plastic bags are brought to life when air is blown into them. Simple foot pumps (operated by viewers) inflate the figures. When the air flow/support stops, the figures slowly collapse back into themselves.
Inspired by recent world events: that Covid 19 is a respiratory illness sometimes requiring ventilators; that wearing facemasks is often recommended but impedes breathing; that breath is Life, that George Floyd and Eric Garner cried out “I cant breathe”; that it is our collective breath that unites us; that by conspiring together (con-spire = to breathe together, in-spire = to take in breath) we support each other and pump each other up.
Inhalation from veronica verkley on Vimeo.