metal and polypropylene armature, hardware, mechanics, hard foam, stuffing, textile skin, paints, taxidermy glass eyes, fake eyelashes, glue, servo motors, batteries, wireless transmitter, radio controller. 4’ x 3’ x 1’, poseable. 2004
Movements of tail, head, neck, mouth and ears are radio controlled. During performances I would (casually) sit in the audience and remotely control the movements of the pig, improvising and responding in real time to the performers and audience. I also did the set and costume design.
Variété: A vaudeville show inspired by the music of Argentinian/German composer, Mauricio Kagel, featuring dance, acrobatics, contortion, burlesque, clowning, magic and the text of Griffin Award winning poet Heather McHugh. Conducted by Robin Engleman. Produced by Volcano and BMH Shift, in association with Art of Time Ensemble. Director Ross Manson. Emcee Nigel Shawn Williams.
Dora Nomination: Outstanding Costume Design: Veronica Verkley